IBC 2024

At IBC 2024 as not seen on TV: Smart content solutions to strategize, manage, and engage.


Strategize your content lifecycle

Maximize your content returns proactively. Match content supply and demand for maximum impact.

  • Strategic planning / Content budgeting
  • BI Studio
  • Ratings Artist

Proud partner in helping 180+ media groups grow

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How can I make my content work smarter?

  • Delve into the untapped potential of your content with total visibility on trends, rights usage, financial metrics, and performance predictions.
  • Achieve substantial efficiency gains.
  • 31% Efficiency gain in the Strategic Planning Process
  • 44% Reduction in total processing time
  • 6.8 days Efficiency gain per title processed

Here’s just what you need:

  • High-level content-centric scenarios
  • Multiple budget scenarios for optimal decision-making and efficiency
  • Strong simplification of the long-term planning process
  • One-click handover from strategy to long-term planners
  • TRP forecasts by AI/ML for transmissions, ads and promos
  • Human in the loop: experts can override AI
  • Everything to create and share dashboards
  • Easy and timely access to insights and benchmarks

Your tools to do the right things (and do things right)

  • Strategic Planning / Content Budgeting

    Channel manager’s tool for crafting high-level content-centric scenarios that align audience engagement with business objectives and provide a seamless handoff to long-term scheduling.

  • Ratings Artist

    Award-winning AI/ML-tool that instantly and accurately provides predictive analytics and scoring for all content types, with dedicated predictions per target demographic.

  • BI Studio

    Self-service business intelligence (BI) app for real-time content and audience intelligence, closing the loop between operational KPIs and the strategic plan.

  • Schedule Gallery

    Easy, customized views of real-time scheduling.

Plan ahead to get more out of your content

Our solution lets you use insights about your content and audience to decide what to do next, plan your budget, and predict outcomes. And with just one click, those plans go straight to the teams that make things happen.

  • 70% FTE enablement predicting ratings with Ratings Artist
  • 30% Higher accuracy of rating predictions


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13 Sep. 2024 – 16 Sep. 2024

IBC 2024

At IBC 2024 as not seen on TV: Smart content solutions to strategize, manage, and engage. They run so smoothly that they go unnoticed by the viewer.

IBC 2024

05 Sep. 2024

Mediagenix Transforms the Content Lifecycle at IBC 2024

Brussels, 4th September, 2024 — Mediagenix will showcase a suite of innovative tools at IBC 2024, designed to revolutionize audience engagement. Its latest solutions, demonstrated at 1.B47 – Hall 1, raise the bar in content strategy, value management, and scheduling. Mediagenix ensures that media and entertainment companies can seamlessly integrate their most valuable assets – content and audience.

Mediagenix Transforms the Content Lifecycle at IBC 2024

21 Aug. 2024

Mediagenix celebrates the Step-Up Internship Program

Mediagenix has entered into a second collaboration with the Step-Up Internship Program, an initiative aimed at enhancing diversity and inclusion in the top-tier legal job market across Europe. Mustafa Simsek, a talented law student, is currently completing a paid one-month internship with us and gaining valuable learning experience. “This experience shows me the value of working with colleagues who are not only experts in their field but also genuinely kind and encouraging,” he says.

Mediagenix celebrates the Step-Up Internship Program

29 May. 2024 – 31 May. 2024

BroadcastAsia 2024

A eye-opening journey through the content lifecycle. It will rock the way you connect the right content with the right audience. You will discover how to strategize, manage, and schedule your content in new, collaborative, and data-driven ways. The tools are stunning; the content returns are beyond expectations.

BroadcastAsia 2024

07 May. 2024

Beyond the Bottlenecks: Streamlining Strategic Planning

In this white paper, management consultant and L6S Black Belt Gijsbert Voorneveld explains how the Strategic Planning Process of media organizations can be improved using Lean Six Sigma.

Beyond the Bottlenecks: Streamlining Strategic Planning

21 Aug. 2023

How to make FAST faster, cheaper, and better

How to thrive in the crowded FAST lane? Views from experts in the field, rules for success, and practical pointers.

How to make FAST faster, cheaper, and better

Frequently Asked Questions

    • With capabilities for crafting high-level content-centric scenarios
    • With a central platform for content budgeting and budget scenarios & forecasts
    • A content-centric approach, instead of focusing the offering on specific platforms and publications
    • A data-driven content lifecycle
    • Strong rights verification capabilities
    • Visualization, tracking, and decision-making capabilities across platforms
    • Instant and accurate predictive analytics and scoring for all content types, with dedicated predictions per target demographic.
    • Accurate budget forecasting & tracking
    • Clear view of content lifecycles & strategies
    • Clear view of costs, payment schedules, amortizations, and asset usability dates
    • Control and real-time visibility of content performance
    • Deep insights with easy reports and BI dashboards
    • Dedicated analytics data source
    • Dedicated database

Get the answers

Let’s talk about how you can make your content work smarter, get everyone in sync, do more with less, expand your reach, and stay ahead of changes.

The best of both worlds: modularity and integration

The three Mediagenix solutions — Strategize, Manage, Engage — follow the content lifecycle from beginning to completion. They are standalone SaaS suites with capabilities that complement each other like building blocks. While each SaaS suite can operate independently, they are also pre-integrated with the Mediagenix Platform to boost workflow efficiency and create a unified data foundation.
  • Manage

    Manage content value as one team. Streamline collaborative workflows that transcend company boundaries. Stay on the same page, with one source of truth.

  • Engage

    Optimize audience engagement across on-demand, FAST, linear, and social channels with multiplatform scheduling efficiency, smart automation and integrated reporting.